Angular UI Libraries

UI and component libraries for the Angular JavaScript framework

Material Angular

UI library for Angular based on Material design

NG Bootstrap

UI library for Angular based on the Bootstrap framework


Powerful UI component library for Angular

Onsen Angular

Hybrid mobile and PWA UI library for Angular and Onsen UI

NG Lightning

Native Angular components & directives for Lightning Design System

NG Semantic

UI library for Angular based on Semantic UI


Customizable UI Kit, Auth & Security for Angular

Alyle UI

Minimal components set for Angular

NGX Bootstrap

Another UI library for Angular based on the Bootstrap framework

NG Zorro

UI library for Angular based on Ant Design

Pagination for datatables

npm library for pagination

Multi select dropdown

For multi select drop-dowm in forms

NG Particles

A lightweight Angular component for creating particles

Covalent UI

Angular UI Platform focused on solving common enterprise needs


CSS based Angular UI framework developed by VMware group

Taiga UI

Taiga UI is fully-treeshakable Angular UI Kit consisting of multiple base libraries and several add-ons.


Admin template based on Angular 10+ and Nebular