The original color palette generator, also supporting color blindness. Probably the scientifically best option. Also probably not the prettiest.
Get HTML color codes, Hex color codes, RGB and HSL values with our color picker, color chart and HTML color names
Happy Hues is a color palette inspiration site that acts as a real-world example as to how the colors could be used in your design projects by Mackenzie Child
Discover current color trends in different industries from the creative communities on Behance and Adobe Stock
A free and open platform for color inspiration with thousands of trendy hand-picked color palettes
A free and open platform for gradient inspiration with thousands of trendy hand-picked color gradients
Color scheme tool for designers and developers. This will help you draw inspiration and serve as a resource for your color work.
A color tool that makes it easy to lighten and darken colors. It’s perfect for hover states, borders, gradients, and more.
Khroma uses AI to learn which colors you like and creates limitless palettes for you to discover, search, and save.
A tool that brings attention and understanding to how color contrast can affect different people with visual impairments. is a designer color tool designed for creating color combinations that work together well.
Free online Color (USA) or Colour (British) tools: information, gradient generator, color wheels etc.
It gets HTML color codes, Hex color codes, RGB and HSL values with our color picker, color chart and HTML color names.
Interesting color palettes generated by a Twitter bot, there are hex codes and descriptive names for each color.
Super-fast and simple color palette generator, palettes can be saved and shared in seconds.
Color-hex gives information about colors including color models (RGB,HSL,HSV and CMYK) and generates a simple css code for the selected color.
Duo is a collection of colour combinations that I’ve curated from personal projects or that I’ve come across on the web.
A website for pick colors quickly from image or manually. It's color picker is easier to use.
Find beautiful free duotone images to use in any project, or make custom duotone images by uploading your own image and applying a duotone effect in seconds.
Explore a beautifully curated selection of cool backgrounds that you can add to blogs, websites.
We can quickly generate color shades of our favorite colors or any colors, to create templates or css components with multiple color shades and more useful tools available on same site